Caught exception: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM brand_type INNER JOIN brand ON brand_type_brand_id = brand_id INNER JOIN mobile ON mobile_brand_type_id = brand_type_id LEFT JOIN brand_type_image ON brand_type_image_brandtype_id = brand_type_id WHERE brand_type_archived=0 AND brand_type_phone_type < 6 AND brand_type_usa =1 AND (brand_type_price_device_uk!=0 OR brand_type_bestoffer_uk!=0) GROUP BY mobile_brand_type_id ORDER BY brand_type_speedrating DESC LIMIT 30 imported phones sorted by velocità

imported phones sorted by velocità

See phones launched mainly in the United States. It is difficult to find them in the UK because they generally have special support for American networks.