Xiaomi Redmi S2 3GB 32GB

Redmi S2 3GB 32GB 56%
Xiaomi Redmi S2 3GB 32GB: Android 7.1, May 2018, 12.2 megapixel camera, Snapdragon 625 MSM8953, octa-core 64-bit, fingerprint scanner, thin, HSDPA/LTE-A (up to 300 Mbit/s), 32 GB internal storage , 3GB RAM, Dual SIM, 6 inch, XHDPI screen (294 ppi)

Xiaomi The Xiaomi Redmi S2 3GB 32GB received 4.6 out of 5 based on 1 review.
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Xiaomi Redmi S2 3GB 32GB prices

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Here you can find new Xiaomi Redmi S2 3GB 32GB devices. We've found 2 prices. Choose your shop and color and you'll be redirected to the sharpest prices.

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Cafago Xiaomi Redmi S2 3GB 32GB
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£ 143,04 £ 0,00 £ 67,74 Creditcard Paypal Grey
£ 173,07 →
Cafago Xiaomi Redmi S2 3GB 32GB
Import device, longer delivery times
7-9 days (25 to 30 days free)
£ 143,04 £ 0,00 £ 67,74 Creditcard Paypal Grey
£ 173,07 →